
IPS Home Page

IPS provides information resources and publications for Health and Education professionals in the field of Childhood Developmental Disorders, including AD/HD, Autistic Spectrum Disorders, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Hyperactivity and Speech / Language Disorders. Please click here for more information on IPS. Orders for our extensive range of Publications may now be made securely online.

The Information section has input regarding the nature, assessment and diagnosis of developmental disorders, together with useful contacts, supports groups and recommended reading. The Resources section has information on publications (audio, video and books), assessment materials, further web links, recent research findings, special offers, book reviews and articles from guest speakers. Details of IPS training days and summer school can be found in the Training section.

Feel free to browse our website or to contact us directly: we value feedback, and invite constructive suggestions to improve this resource. This site is still undergoing continuous development, and some sections mentioned may be incomplete – please be patient!

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