Specialist Publishers : Whurr M-Z
Management of Stuttering in Adolescence: A Communication Skills Approach (Reference #P/MAN1WH)
Author: Lena Rustin, Robert Spence & Frances Cook
The majority of adolescent stutterers have a long history of dysfluency and as they approach the final years of their schooling they may become apprehensive about their future, particularly in relation to further education, career options, job interviews etc. The treatment of this age group is further complicated by the experience of adolescence itself, and the problems presented by this group are very different to those posed by young children of adults who stutter. This book presents a Communication Skills Approach to the treatment of adolescent stuttering which has been developed over many years of clinical experience.
Theoretical perspective; assessment protocol; planning intervention; communication skills approach; intensive group intervention; environmental influences; specific language impairment, Hanna Klein.
Price: £24.50
Managing Anger (Reference #P/MAN2WH)
Author: Helen O’Neill
The purpose of this manual is to provide a series of session plans to assist the therapist in leading a course of anger management treatment with individuals who have cognitive impairment. The technique of anger management has become a widely used intervention in a variety of forensic, general mental health and non-clinical settings. The development of this manual reflects both experience gained in clinical practice, including feedback from clients and the influences of occupational therapy and psychology collegues.
The Purpose Of The Manual, Theoretical Background, Outline Of The Stress Innoculation Treatment For Anger Control, Adapting The Existing Treatment To Suit Clients With Cognitive Impairment, Which Individuals Might Be Suitable For Anger Management, Checklist For Suitability, Duration Of Treatment, Group Or Individual Treatment, Therapists, Checklist For Suitability, Listening To A Person Reporting Their Anger, De-Escalation Techniques, The Therapeutic Relationship, The Treatment Setting, Facilities, Assessment and Evaluation, Semi-Structured Interview, The Way The Manual Works, Additional Sessions, Recap Sessions, Bringing The Techniques Out Of The Treatment Room, Appendix 1, Appendix 2, Appendix 3, Appendix 4, References, Participant Feedback Sheet, Treatment Manual Feedback.
Price: £22.50
Mathematics for Dyslexics, A Teaching Handbook (2nd Edition) (Reference #P/MAT1WH)
Authors: Steve Chinn & Richard Ashcroft
This book offers a background review of the problems dyslexics face in mathematics, a philosophy of teaching approaches, a diagnostic procedure and practical suggestions on how to teach a range of mathematical topics. Although written by teachers working with pupils aged 10 and above, the level of topic they cover may also be applied to a much younger age group.
For the second edition the chapters on basic numeracy have been revised to show the further evolution of teaching philosophies into a unified and developmental programme which sets firm foundations for more advanced mathematics. The chapters on percentages and time have been expanded and there are new chapters on positive and negative numbers and teaching the National Curriculum. A summary of the ever changing field of computer technology is also included. Elsewhere the chapters have been updated and adjusted to take account of new research and ideas as well as feedback on the first edition.
From reviews of the first edition:
“…a splendid book.” — Child Language Teaching and Therapy
“…manna from heaven. It has chapters on such nitty-gritty topics as addition and subtraction, times tables, multiplication and division, fractions, decimals and percentages. Many of the difficulties discussed and the learning systems for dealing with them have wider application than to dyslexics…an indispensable addition to the staffroom library.” – Special Children
Price: £22.50
Mental Health and Deafness (Reference #P/MEN1WH)
Authors: Peter Hindley & Nick Kitson
This title covers a wide range of mental-health issues as they relate to deafness. Written by experts in this field, this may be of particular interest to care workers with deaf people, general mental-health workers, and mental health workers with deaf people
Part 1 Assessment: deaf people in society, Kay Meadow-Orlans; child and family, Peter Hindley; adult psychiatry, Nick Kitson and Alice Thacker; mental impairment, Chris Williams and Sally Austen; multi-sensory impairment, David Bond; child abuse, Patrick Brookhouser, Patricia Sullivan and John Scanlan; psychological assessment, Lynne Blennerhassett; forensic psychiatry, Peter Hindley and Darshan Sharma; addictive behaviour, Ken Checinski; acquired deafness, Katia Herbst. Part 2 Management: mental health workers – deaf or hearing, Herbert Marvin and Nick Kitson; educational interventions, Mark Greenberg; psychodynamic and creative therapies, Nich Kitson, Janet Fernando and Jane Douglas; family therapy, Barbara Warner; behavioural and cognitive approaches, Sue O’Rourke; drug treatments, Nick Kitson and Jeremy Bird; rehabilitation, Nick Kitson and Sarah Wilson; preventative approaches, Howard White.
Price: £45.00
Mind and Nature – Essays on Time and Subjectivity (Reference #P/MIN1WH)
Author: Jason Brown
This collection of essays extends the microgenetic theory of the mind/brain state to basic problems in process psychology and philosophy of mind. The author’s micro-temporal model of brain activity and psychological events, originally based on studies of patients with focal brain damage, is extended to the concept of the moment in Buddhist philosophy, conscious and unconscious thought, the nature of the self, subjective time and aesthetic perception. The author develops a highly original psychology of mental process, actually a “cognitive metaphysics”, which is grounded in brain physiology and clinical psychopathology. A central theme is that the natural categories that arise in the extensibility of temporal data are continuous with conceptual structures in the human mind.
Price: £25.00
Mutism – Studies in Disorders of Communication (Reference #P/MUT1WH)
Author: Y Lebrun
This monograph provides an examination of both functional and organic causes and types of mutism.|Written in an informative style appropriate for readers with varying levels of knowledge and experience, the book will appeal to student and practitioner alike. Dr Lebrun’s scholarship and fluency in several languages enable him to avoid parochial positions and limitations of national boundaries and monolingualism.|”Mutism” will provide instructive reading for speech therapist/pathologists, paediatricians, neurologists and those involved in special education.
Price: £19.50
Nervous System (4th Edition) (Reference #P/NER1WH)
Author: Peter Nathan
This work on the nervous system includes such areas as the five senses, and the senses unnoticed by the Greeks; the physics of the nerve impulse; and the anatomical bases of motivation, pain, the endocrine glands and hormones, sensation and perception, and the higher nervous activities.
Price: £17.95
Neuropsychology of Developmental Stuttering (The) (Reference #P/NEU1WH)
Author: Bernard-Thomas Hartman
Stuttering has long been regarded as one of the most puzzling human phenomena. Owing to our limited knowledge of its apparently complex nature, it has been difficult to apply readily what is known about other forms of behavioural disorder in order to advance our understanding and treatment of stuttering. However, this book asserts that relatively recent applications of the concepts of neuropsychology to dyslexia, a comparable communication disorder, offer reasonable and functional insights into the development of stuttering behaviours.|The primary objectives of this book are to provide rational views on the neuropsychologic and neurophysiologic bases for: the stutterer’s repeated occurrences of their stuttering behaviours; the stubborn resistance of these behaviours to traditional, past, and current therapy methods; and the need for clinic programmes to utilize practical psycho-social means for implementing the neuropsychological approach in order to obtain more consistent beneficial therapy results.
Setting the stage; the neuropsychology of dyslexia; general overview of factors relating to developmental stuttering, the neuropsychologic bases for the formation of developmental stuttering; the neuropsychologic bases for the repeated episodes of stuttering behaviours; a psycho-social approach for treating developmental stuttering.
Price: £25.00
Overcoming Dyslexia – A Practical Handbook for the Classroom (Reference #P/OVE1WH)
Authors: Hilary Broomfield & Margaret Combley
Based on the long experience of two teachers working in the field of language and literacy difficulties, this book brings together the best of practice in the areas of multisensory teaching, whole language and phonological awareness training, to produce a programme that integrates skills teaching into real reading and writing.
The key features apply to all ages: the importance of firm foundations in spoken language; the understanding of the nature and purpose of print; the building up of an awareness of the sounds within spoken language; and the development of automatic sound symbol links.
“Any practitioner with an interest in the acquisition of literacy who takes the time to study Overcoming Dyslexia in some detail…will gain fresh insights into how they might approach the teaching of reading and spelling”.
Price: £22.50
Paediatric Audiology, 0-5 (2nd Edition) (Reference #P/PAE1WH)
Author: Barry McCormick
This introductory text guides audiological scientists and ENT registrars in training through to a practical knowledge of clinical applications of the audiological care of children at each stage of development. It covers screening, early diagnosis of hearing impairment, associated conditions, aids and evaluation.|For this second edition, the book has been expanded and updated to take account of new techniques that have been introduced in recent years. A new chapter on cochlear implants in children is included. Throughout, the text incorporates examples of ways in which microchip technology has been harnessed to benefit paediatric audiology.
Price: £24.50
Parents, Families and the Stuttering Child (Reference #P/PAR2WH)
Author: Lena Rustin
In this work, the author draws together contributions from professionals working in stuttering therapy in Britain and America. It describes intervention approaches with dysfluent children and adolescents and their families, and should be useful to practising clinicians and students.
Price: £13.95
Pathologies of Speech and Language: Advances in Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics (Reference #P/PAT1WH)
Authors: Ben Maassen & Paul Groenen
This volume gives a keleidoscopic view of the field of clinical phonetics and linguistics. Topics include phonological issues in normal and defective development; aphasia, dysphasia, dysarthria, apraxia of speech and neurological conditions as well as critical evalutaions of methods in clinical linguistics and phonetics.
Particular emphasis is put on hearing loss and central auditory processing disorders, including their consequences for language and speech and for the study of the relation between psycholinguistic input and output processes.
Price: £45.00
Personal Construct Theory in Educational Psychology (Reference #P/PER2WH)
Author: Tom Ravenette
This book is a selection of papers by the author, a professional psychologist who operated a school psychological service. They represent the development over some forty years of a psychological practice based on the then relatively unknown Personal Construct Theory of George Kelly. Tom Ravenette has adjusted and extended this theory to make it fully useful in the author’s own context.
Price: £19.50
Phonetics for Speech Pathology (2nd Edition) (Reference #P/PHO2WH)
Author: Martin J Ball
This introductory text for speech pathology and therapy students examines normative phonetic aspects and also discusses how these may go wrong and what happens when they do. Correct use of phonetic symbolizations and the importance of adequate transcription in the clinic are stressed.
Articulatory phonetics; acoustic phonetics; auditory phonetics. Appendices: Phonetic symbols and notes of transcription: the International Phonetic Alphabet (revised to 1989); the extensions to the IPA for the transcription of voice quality and disordered speech; CSL symbols for voice quality; notes on phonetic transcription.
Price: £24.50
Phonological Disability in Children (2nd Edition) (Reference #P/PHO1WH)
Author: D Ingram
Price: £22.50
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in Children and Adolescents (Reference #P/POS2WH)
Author: Kedar Nath Dwivedi
This is a scholarly, multidisciplinary and comprehensive introduction to the field of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in children and adolescents, along with its clinical assessment and treatment. It is particularly orientated so that professionals will find it useful in their work with children and adolescents and their families, schools and other contexts.
PTSD is more usually considered as an adult disorder: this volume concentrates on children and adolescents. The introductory chapters are followed by a chapter on assessment and several chapters on treatment. The issues of clinical management in some of the important ecological contexts such as family and school and aetiological contexts such as refugee status and child abuse, are discussed in further detail. Then a variety of treatment approaches are clearly described.
The book is aimed at teachers, practitioners and researchers in child psychiatry, clinical child psychology, educational psychology, social work, paediatrics and occupational therapy.
Price: £22.50
Pragmatic Approaches to Aphasia Therapy (Reference #P/PRA1WH)
Author: Sergio Carlomagno
The functional approach to the treatment of aphasia is embodied in the methods and techniques of Promoting Aphasic’s Communicative Effectiveness (PACE), which has had an international influence on the way therapists approach the rehabilitation of aphasia patients. However, there is a shortage of research into the approach and little up-to-date practical guidance on its application. D. Carlomagno’s concise book aims to provide a guide to the use and efficacy of PACE methodology which should be useful for aphasia therapists.
Price: £24.50
Pragmatic Disability in Children: Assessment and Intervention (Reference #P/PRA2WH)
Author: Michael McTear & Gina Conti-Ramsden
Pragmatics has become an increasingly important topic in speech therapy. This book presents its material in a form accessible to practitioners and addresses the applied areas of most concern to speech therapists.
Price: £24.50
Professional Collaboration with Parents of Children with Disabilities (Reference #P/PRO3WH)
Authors: Louise Porter & Susan Mckenzie
The work of professionals with children with disabilities affects the children’s family, while events at home affect what professionals can achieve with the children. In many ways, the child, the family and the professional are intermeshed. From the perspective that many sorts of families can successfully overcome life’s challenges, this text describes how professionals can form collaborative relationships with the parents of the children in their care, to optimise the children’s development and to enable both family members and professionals to work in the children’s interests. This text describes experiences of families who have a child with a disability. It takes a new look at old assumptions that disability necessarily has a negative effect on families or that families themselves are in need of therapy simply by virtue of having a child with additional needs. This text offers practical insights and guidelines for action by teachers, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, speech pathologists and psychologists. It is a practical text tht enables practitioners to offer a high-quality service to children while supporting the family in its role of nurturing their child with special needs.
Price: £19.50
Profiling Linguistic Disability (2nd Edition) (Reference #P/PRO2WH)
Author: David Crystal
Profiling has been acknowledged as a major contribution to the treatment of language disorder. First developed with reference to grammatical disability, profiling is extended in this book to cover segmental phonology, prosody and semantics. The book also includes a revised version of the grammatical profiling procedure, LARSP.|For this second edition of the book all the existing material has been updated. In addition there is a new chapter, entitled “Putting Profiles into Practice”, which contains extracts from case studies and several guidelines for teaching and therapy.
Price: £24.50
Progress in the Treatment of Fluency Disorders (Reference #P/PRO1WH)
Author: Lena Rustin, Harry Purser & David Rowley
Price: £25.00
Prosody Management of Communication Disorders (Reference #P/PRO4WH)
Authors: Patricia M Hargrove & Nancy S McGarr
Offers clinicians a model for assessing and treating aspects of prosody, which may interfere with intelligibility and communicative effectiveness. Prosodic treatment approaches can help clients with aphasia, apraxia, stuttering, phonological impairment, abnormal voice and hearing impairment.
Orientation; treating prosody – an overview; the assessment of prosody; prosodic features – pitch, loudness; treating prosodic features – duration, pause, tempo; treating prosodic components – intonation, stress, rhythm.
Price: £29.50
Psychoactive Drugs and Harm Reduction (Reference #P/PSY6WH)
Authors: Nick Heather, Alex Wodak, Ethan Nadelmann & Pat O’Hare
This book is based on the presentations given by authorities in the drugs field at the Third International Conference on the Reduction of Drug Related Harm held in Melbourne, Australia in March 1992. The keynote addresses at the conference form the kernel of the book. Other chapters were chosen from submitted papers, symposia and other types of presentation.|There is some confusion at present as to what harm reduction means, what activities it can be said to include and what evidence exists for the effectiveness of these activities. This book aims to set out the main principles of harm reduction and how it is applied to different problems om different parts of the world.
Part I Concepts and definitions. Part II Perspectives on harm reduction. Part III Harm-reduction policies. Part IV Applications to sepcific substances. Part V Harm reduction and developing countries. Part VI Harm reduction and HIV/AIDS.
Price: £24.50
Psychogenic Voice Disorders and Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy (Reference #P/PSY7WH)
Authors: Peter Butcher, Annie Elias & Ruth Raven
Increasing international interest in voice disorders during the past decade has given rise to a greater understanding of the voice and an expansion of the literature on the subject. But although most authors on psychogenic voice disorders recognise that there are psychological causes that need to be addressed in conjunction with voice therapy, there is little published material describing therapeutic programmes for psychogenic voice disorders.|Combining their skills in voice therapy and clinical psychology, the authors of this book explore the use of psychological intervention with patients whose psychogenic voice disorders do not respond to traditional approaches. The authors have identified a particular need for practitioners to have an understanding of cognitive-behavioural psychology and related treatment techniques in order to facilitate change in their clients. This book provides an introduction to such techniques, which the authors hope will encourage clinicians and students to seek training and supervision in this field.|The opening chapter of the book covers the classification of psychogenic voice disorders, describes common characteristics of these disorders, discusses how successful traditional voice therapy is in their treatment and considers the value of a more psychological approach. Following an overview of the psychological approaches most frequently used by, speech pathologists at present, the bulk of the book is devoted to describing both the theory and practice of the cognitive-behavioural model. In the final chapter the authors suggest other clinical areas of speech pathology where the model could also be applied.|Though written primarily for speech pathology clinicians and students, the book should also be of interest to other professional groups such as psychologists, psychiatrists and ENT consultants and their teams, including voice clinic personnel.
Price: £24.50
Psychological Assessment of Dyslexia (Reference #P/PSY3WH)
Author: Martin Turner
This book provides a refreshingly rational guide to the many issues involved in psychological assessment, taking dyslexia to be a remedial cognitive deficit. The author reviews the major tests in use for children and adults, while keeping the scientific purpose for their use firmly in view. Written primarily for assessment professionals, the book will appeal to parents and specialist teachers and all those with an interest in fair and objective methods for dealing with dyslexia.
Price: £29.50
Psychology for Psychiatrists (Reference #P/PSY5WH)
Author: Rajinder Gupta & Deepa Gupta
This book has been written principally with “psychiatrists in training” in mind. The book will also be useful to other professionals, particularly school medical officers, paediatricians, community psychiatric nurses and social workers who also require knowledge of psychology in their day-to-day work.
One of the strengths of this book is that each chapter is written by a prominent specialist in their field. They have particularly highlighted points of clinical relevance in their chapter.
Price: £24.50
Psychology of the Home (Reference #P/PSY4WH)
Author: Barrie Gunter
This book examines the psychological significance of where we live. It reviews research evidence from around the world that has shown that the home represents more than a physical dwelling place. In addition to gratifying basic human survival needs, the home reflects and provides insights into the personalities of its occupants. The book works from the outside of the home to the inside. It begins by examining what psychological factors are linked to choice of neighbourhood and what types of property are favoured by different types of people. It then moves inside the home to examine what we can learn about occupants from the allocation of space, the use of rooms and the way rooms are decorated and furnished.
Price: £19.50
Reading Development and Dyslexia (Reference #P/REA1WH)
Authors: Charles Hulme & Margaret Snowling
Explanations of reading disorders need to be framed in terms of theories of the normal development of reading and spelling. This collection of papers, based on a selection of those to be presented to the Third International Conference of the British Dyslexia Association, in April 1994, brings together studies of dyslexia and normal reading development. Key topics include the role of underlying language skills for the development of reading and reading disorders, individual differences amongst dyslexic readers, the biological bases of dyslexia, and techniques for improving reading skills in dyslexic and other poor readers.
The normal development of reading skills; the nature and causes of reading difficulties; the remediation of reading difficulties.
Price: £27.50
Screening for Hearing Impairment in Young Children (Reference #P/SCR1WH)
Author: Barry McCormick
Offers practical guidance on the screening procedures used to identify hearing impairment in very young children. The volume describes and evaluates the methods used for different age groups, and explains how to conduct each test.
Price: £15.95
Selective Mutism in Children (Reference #P/SEL1WH)
Authors:Tony Cline & Sylvia Baldwin
This work deals with children who remain selectively mute. It outlines the characteristic behaviour of such children and discusses in detail the problems of assessment, management and treatment that they represent. A systems model of selective mutism and appropriate treatment is described.
Communication, control and anxiety; the school context; assessment; review of non-behavioural methods of treatment; the development of behavioural approaches – a historical review; behavioural approaches in practice; reporting and evaluation – steps towards improving standards.
Price: £22.50
Semantic Processing – Theory and Practice (Reference #P/SEM1WH)
Authors: Wendy Best, Karen Bryan & Jane Maxim
Research in semantics is conducted in a wide variety of disciplines and the strength of this book is in bringing those areas together in one volume. Contributions came from an international group of applied researchers. Models of semantics are being influenced by research on the development of semantic processing in children and by work on the disruption of semantic processing in brain damage such as stroke and Alzheimer’s disease. Clinical work is benefiting from the application of theoretical models while pathological findings are crucial for testing and developing theoretical models. The book has chapters on: models of semantic processing, connectionist modelling, sentence processing in children and adults, semantic processing in the normal elderly, semantic category disorders, semantic therapy in aphasia, semantic processing in Alzheimer’s disease, semantic dementia and conceptual semantics. The book is aimed primarily at the undergraduate reader or readers with limited knowledge of semantic processing. Students of linguistics, psychology and speech and language sciences will find the book immensely useful.
Price: £19.50
Social Skills and the Speech Impaired (2nd Edition) (Reference #P/SOC1WH)
Authors: Lena Rustin & Armin Kuhr
This book covers the specific problems faced by the speech impaired in dealing with social aspects of communication. The major part of the book deals with the concept of social skills training, the role of the therapist, assessment planning and follow-up; the remainder consists of exercises to be carried out by the therapist for patients with specific deficiencies. This second edition has been fully revised and updated to take account of recent developments in the field.
Price: £19.50
Sound Linkage – An Integrated Programme for Overcoming Reading Difficulties (Reference #P/SOU1WH)
Author: Peter J Hatcher
This package contains a phonological training programme that can be used to enhance the literary skills of reading-delayed or dyslexic children. It can be used in conjunction with any structured approach to the teaching of reading. The author used the materials from this programme for a major piece of research, which highlighted the importance of integrating the teaching of reading with development of children’s underlying phonological skills. As well as providing a valuable new resource for teachers, this programme will also be useful to speech therapists helping to improve the phonological skills of young clients.
Introduction and guide to the programme (including an account of the Cumbria-York study and the Reading with Phonology programme); test of phonological awareness; identification of words as units within sentences; identification and manipulation of syllables; phoneme blending; identification and supply of rhyming words; identification and discrimination of phonemes; phonome segmentation; phonome deletion; phonome susbstitution; phonome transposition; phonological linkage activities.
Price: £39.50
Sound Linkage – An Integrated Programme for Overcoming Reading Difficulties (2nd Edition) (Reference #P/SOU2WH)
Author: Peter J Hatcher
The second edition of this successful teaching package contains a reading and phonological training programme for use with reading-delayed and dyslexic children. It comprises: 54 laminated picture cards, a criterion referenced test of phonological awareness, nine sections of graded phonological awareness exercises, photocopiable record sheets and an outline of a reading programme within which the phonological awareness training can be used. In addition to the materials from the first edition, the second edition includes normative data for the test and specific examples of letter-sound ‘linkage’ activities to supplement the purely phonological training activities. The second edition also provides information for teachers that should enable them to grade early reading books (23 levels), in order that children can make the link between sounds and words while reading text with at least 90% accuracy. The materials were originally used in the Hatcher, Hulme and Ellis (1994) study, which has been rated internationally as one of the three most effective phonological awareness intervention studies. Since 1994, the materials have been used with a wide range of children and been found to be suitable for use with any reading-delayed child, irrespective of cognitive ability and age. Teachers also report that children enjoy as well as benefit from the activities and that they exhibit enhanced self-confidence as a consequence of their progress in learning to read. The materials may also be adapted by class-teachers for normal group teaching and be used by speech therapists to help improve the phonological skills of young clients.
Price: £39.50
Specific Speech and Language Disorders in Children (Reference #P/SPE3WH)
Authors: Paul Fletcher & David Hall
Presents papers from the Second International Symposium organized by AFASIC – The Association For All Speech Impaired Children – an association of parents and professionals seeking to advance knowledge and management of children and young people with speech and language impairments.
Price: £24.50
Speech/Language Therapists and Teachers Working Together (Reference #P/SPE1WH)
Author: Elspeth McCartney
The overriding issue that affects speech and language therapists (SLTs) and teachers working together that recurs as a constant theme in the discussion in this book, is that two professions work in separate organisations, each with its own expectations and practices – SLTs in the health service, teachers in education, and both organisational systems are confident in their approaches to service delivery, but have different ways in which they go about it. The fact that good collaborative practice does take place is a tribute to the determination and realism of the professionals involved.
There is a great deal of practice to draw upon and the book gives a flavour of the complex interaction and collaboration being developed in the field of education. A move by teachers and SLTs from independent working to collaborative working is taking place. This is an exciting change and is hoped that by documenting some of the relevant issues the book will help to accelerate the process.
Price: £19.50
Star Track Reading & Spelling (Reference #P/STA1WH)
Authors: Cosette Beadle & Joan Hampshire
STAR TRACK is for pupils who have not gained any skills from a random exposure to text and need a guided introduction to the rules of literacy
STAR TRACK’S structured worksheets and stories introduce the pupil to only one phonic element at a time.
STAR TRACK builds skills cumulatively and confidence is established because the pupil is never asked to read what he has not been taught.
STAR TRACK’S photocopiable masters provide material for class work, homework, easy assessment and record-keeping.
STAR TRACK provides worksheets and stories for the famous ‘exceptions’ of English, which are easily tackled once the regular phonic rules have been learnt. Further copies of each of the tracks may be purchased in packs of ten.
Price: £39.50
Stress in Teachers – Past, Present and Future (Reference #P/STR1WH)
Authors: Jack Dunham & Ved Varma
This book examines stress in teaching as a multidisciplinary concept broad enough to include physiological, psychological, organisational and legal perspectives. It brings together in one volume contributions from leading specialists in the field with a wide range of research experience and practical expertise, and it serves as an appreciation of Jack Dunham’s own, substantial, contribution to research and practice in this area.
The editors see stress in teaching as an interactionist concept — a complex and sometimes precarious balance between perceived work pressures, coping strategies and stress reactions. The early chapters in the book reflect this view and make important and original contributions to understanding the causes and costs of stress in teaching. The authors of these chapters come, collectively, to the worrying conclusion that there is an alarmingly low level of job satisfaction in teaching and that staff turnover appears to be on the increase.
This pessimistic view is challenged in later chapters by professionals working in the field of stress management. These contributions highlight the danger of focusing stress research and management strategies on the individual rather than the organisation, and report the authors’ ‘hands-on’ knowledge of teacher support teams and workshop and whole-school approaches to diminishing the causes and costs of teacher stress and improving training and career development.
The concluding chapters demonstrate the editors’ belief that useful insights for workers in the education service can be gained from studies of workplace stress in other occupations.
Price: £19.50
Stress in The Workplace – Past, Present and Future (Reference #P/STR2WH)
Author: Jack Dunham
This book consists of nine chapters written by internationally known and respected research workers. Lennart Levi presents a psychosocial framework for understanding sickness and health in the workplace. James Campbell Quick, Debra Nelson and Jonathan Quick give an account of their research with executives in industry and the US Airforce. Tores Theorell focuses his research on the increasing demands on workers and the reducing control they have over their working lives. Johannes Siegrist is also concerned with imbalance – in this case between effort and reward at work. Susan Cartwright and Sheila Penchal report on the effects of the increase of mergers and acquisitions in the 1990s. Howard Khan’s focus is the stress of working for clearing banks, merchant banks and foreign owned banks in London and New York. Sandra Fielden and Lyn Davidson present evidence of the sources of stress of women in managerial positions. Cheryl Traver’s analysis of the rising costs of teacher stress is very relevant for policy makers and managers. Michiel Kompier and Tage Kristensen make recommendations for planning and implementing stress management strategies in the workplace.
The book has a unique global perspective and presents a framework of guidance for research workers and a rigorous resource for professionals.
Price: £19.50
Students and Dyslexia – Growing up with a Specific Learning Difficulty (Reference #P/STU1WH)
Authors: Barbara Riddick, Marion Farmer & Christopher Sterling
Drawn from a research study of university students with dyslexia, this book presents transcripts of in-depth interviews in which students give compelling accounts of their experiences of growing up with dyslexia. The book is intended to help students or prospective students with dyslexia and also the people teaching them.
Price: £22.50
Stuttering: From Theory to Practice (Reference #P/STU2WH)
Author: Margaret Fawcus
This text brings together the experience and expertise of a group of speech and language therapists who work with, both individually and in groups, children and adults who stutter.|The past 2 decades have seen the emergence of what might be termed a British school of stuttering therapy, which has placed increasing emphasis on the need to improve communication skills, encourage a more positive approach to talking and facilitate a change in the stutterer’s self-perception.|The influence of Kelly’s work in Personal Construct psychology is evident throughout the book, and there is a chapter devoted to the application of Kelly’s ideas in stuttering therapy. This influence has been importance in shaping our approach to therapy. The book looks at both theoretical and practical aspects of management, including the development of stuttering and early intervention, family therapy, and working with adolescents and adults. It includes some hitherto unpublished work on self-esteem and a final chapter on the issues of under and postgraduate training and service provision.
Price: £22.50
Success and Failure in Professional Education (Reference #P/SUC1WH)
Authors: Irene Ilott & Roger Murphy
This text focuses on one aspect of an examiner’s role -assigning a fail grade. The context is vocational training where success confers “competence to practice” a profession with pupils, patients or clients who place their trust in the knowledge, skills and conduct of the professional.|The guide is intended to help academic and work-based assessors make good judgements. It explains the reasons why failing is so difficult, looking at the individual, institutional and contextual factors involved and paying particular attention to the feelings of anxiety and guilt that interfere with decision-making. Specific coping strategies are suggested for each stage of the assessment cycle. These cover eliciting, interpreting and acting upon the evidence in a way which respects the rights of assessors and students. The book has a positive approach which views failure as a natural part of life and learning.
Failure – an easily avoided word and deed; failing is even more important in professional training; reasons why it is difficult to fail students; feelings exacerbate the difficulties; principles of assessment – a reminder; applying the assessment cycle to fail scenarios; recommendations for change – challenging the taboo.
Price: £22.50
Tackling Dyslexia (2nd Edition) (Reference #P/TAC2WH)
Author: Ann Cooke
This book describes an approach to teaching which is designed to take account not only of the problems encountered by children with dyslexia when learning to read, spell and write but also of the nature of the task that the dyslexic child is trying to master.
For this second edition the book has been revised and expanded to include new approaches to the teaching of phonics, recent ideas about developing reading skills, the revised National Curriculum and the Code of Practice and new developments in IT and software for teaching. There are completely new chapters covering early recognition, helping younger children and difficulties with mathematics; and the sections on testing and monitoring work and on materials and games for teaching have also been expanded to form individual chapters.
Price: £17.50
Tackling Dyslexia The Bangor Way (Reference #P/TAC1WH)
Author: Ann Cooke
An approach to teaching the dyslexic child is described in this book, outlining not only the problems encountered by children with dyslexia when learning to read, write or spell but also of the nature of the task that the dyslexic child is trying to master.|The author, Ann Cooke, is an experienced teacher of dyslexic pupils in age groups seven to adult. She joined the Bangor dyslexia teaching team under Professor Tim Miles in 1973 and has been director of teaching at the Bangor Unit since 1985. In addition, she has undertaken advisory work, has lectured on various courses and has contributed to a number of publications on the subject of dyslexia.
An outline of the nature of the difficulty and the dyslexic’s particular learning needs; phonic programme – outline of the progression of work, testing to establish level of competence and monitoring learning; approaches and procedures for teaching – how the programme might be implemented starting with pupils at different ages and with different levels of skill; some key topics in the phonic work and how these might be tackled; reading – general approach, needs at different stages, helping basic sub-skills, blending of sounds, reading whole words, word recognition, approaches to books; materials, teaching aids and games; other areas needing help – calendar, time, alphabet, dictionary work, handwriting, importance of oral work; technology – computers for reinforcement of spelling work and as word processors, tape recorders; transfer of work from individual lesson into general curriculum; helping with general curriculum work; importance of classroom support for dyslexic pupils; samples of pupils’ writing to illustrate work at various stages; suggestions about priorities for work and ways of dealing with the difficulties showm; list of materials – teaching aids, workbooks, suitable reading material, computer programs.
Price: £16.95
Teaching Voice (The) (Reference #P/TEA4WH)
Authors: Stephanie Martin & Lyn Darnley
This work provides information on voice care, and an understanding of the physiology of voice. Advice is also given on aspects of delivery, communication skills and classroom strategies.|This is supported by exercises for developing the resonance, range and projection of the voice. This book helps teachers and professional voice users to understand how the voice works and to explore some of the factors that influence voice production.
Price: £17.95
‘This Book Doesn’t Make Sens Cens Sns Scens Sense’ (Reference #P/THI1WH)
Author: Jean Agur
As a parent and teacher Jean Augur learned to cope positively with dyslexia for over 20 years. In straightforward language this book records the stages in the development of Jean Augur’s awareness of dyslexia both at home and in the classroom. It concludes by setting out the ways and means which she devised to help dyslexics to help themselves.
“As a practical guide for parents there are many constructive and useful suggestions”.
Price: £11.00
Three Dimensions of Stuttering Neurology, Behaviour and Emotion (The) 2nd Edition (Reference #P/THR1WH)
Author: Robert J Logan
Beginning with a history of the neurophysiologic bases of both emotion and stuttering, this revised and updated text presents a review of historical and current knowledge concerning those areas and structures of the central nervous system contributing to internal emotional responses, external manifestations of those responses, and the interconnections between emotional centres, learning and the initiation and fine motor control of speech. The sub-cortical limbic system is discussed as the origination point of cortical, sub-cortical, cerebellar and brainstem areas identified in recent research as inappropriately activated during stuttered speech. The implications of these data for the diagnosis and treatment of stuttering are examined in the concluding chapter of the book, which discusses the benefits of various diagnostic techniques and therapies in the context of the neurophysiologic perspectives presented in the text. An Afterword looks at research implications and suggests specific research questions.
Price: £19.50
Treating Phonological Disorders in Children: Metaphon – Theory to Practice (2nd Edition) (Reference #P/TRE1WH)
Authors: Janet Howell & Elizabeth Dean
This is a revised edition of a text presenting the rationale for theory-led therapy with phonologically disordered children in a comprehensive but accessible form for clinicians, students and teachers. The authors describe the practical application of Metaphon Therapy.
Price: £24.50
Treatment of Aphasia – From Theory to Practice (Reference #P/TRE2WH)
Authors: C Code and D J Müller
“Overall, this is an impressive book for students, theorists and clinicians alike: to dip into for current thinking about the field, to remind oneself of the highly individual nature of aphasia and its impact, to realise that there is no single answer to intervention approaches, or to feel stimulated to try out new approaches based on an ever-expanding theoretical foundation”.
Price: £24.50
Videostroboscopic Examination of the Larynx (Reference #P/VID1WH)
Authors: Minoru Hirano & Diane Bless
Written in a straightforward style reflecting the authors’ extensive teaching and clinical experience in the field, this clinical reference book was developed for practitioners utilizing videostroboscopy in the evaluation of vocal disorders due to laryngeal pathologies.|The opening part of the book, in which stroboscopy is introduced and a detailed description of vocal fold vibration is provided, will enable readers to comprehend the visual data that is elicited by videostroboscopy. In later chapters, clinical procedures, protocols, administration guidelines and interpretation are covered in detail. One of the highlights of the book is the chapter featuring the most common laryngeal pathologies, their acoustic characteristics and vibratory patterns as seen in videoprints. The book’s numerous clinical forms and extensive references make it valuable both as a clinical training book and professional source of reference.
Price: £65.00
Violent Children and Adolescents – Asking the Question “Why?” (Reference #P/VIO1WH)
Author: Gwyneth Boswell
A small minority of children and adolescents can be dangerous, violent and murderous. As such, they shatter society’s warm images of childhood play and innocence. When a horror story such as the murder of James Bulger hits the headlines, there is much spurious and fanciful comment but little attempt at serious explanation which might enhance public and professional understanding of this disturbing phenomenon. Gwyneth Boswell researched this field throughout the 1990s. Having identified an urgent need for an assembly of evidence about aetiology and treatment of these young people, she has brought together a formidable body of academic and professional experts, specifically to address the question “Why?”
Price: £19.50
Vocal Fold Physiology – Acoustic, Perceptual and Physiological Aspects of Voice Mechanisms (Reference #P/VOC2WH)
Authors: Jan Gauffin & Britta Hammarberg
This work on vocal fold physiology comprises sections on phonatory mechanisms, voice source acoustics and parameterization, physiology, and assessment of the laryngeal function.
Part 1 Phonatory mechanisms: vibratory behaviour of human vocal folds viewed from below; physiological properties and wave motion of the vocal fold membrane viewed from different directions; ultrasound laryngography – multiple simultaneous recording of vocal fold vibration; basement membrane zone injury in vocal nodules. Part 2 Voice source acoustics and parameterization: vocal-fold vibration for obstruent consonants; vocal-fold vibration in a computer model of a larynx; comments on glottal flow modelling and analysis; simultaneous modelling of EGG, PGG and glottal flow; phonation from a continuum mechanics point of view; an investigation into the acoustics and aerodynamics of the larynx; generalized translaryngeal pressure coefficient for a wide range of laryngeal configurations; effects of downstream occlusions on pressures near the glottis in singing; numerical simulations of glottal flow; damping-biomechanics of vocal fold oscillation; voice source variations in running speech; male and female voice source dynamics; mechanisms underlying the control of fundamental frequency; airflow-based analysis of vocal function; intrinsic vowel F0 and phrase final F0 lowering – phonological vs biological explanations; intrinsic pitch of vowels – a complicated problem with an obvious solution? Part 3 Physiology: comparison of physiological properties of PAG and medullary neurons involved in vocalization; influence of pitch and intensity on cricothyroid and thyroarytenoid in singers and non-singers; F0 raising role of the sternothyroid muscle – an electromyographic study of two tenors; the postganglionic sympathetic innervation of the larynx in cats; neurophysiological control of vocal fold adduction and abduction for phonation onset and offset during speech. Part 4 Assessment of laryngeal function: laryngeal manual compression in the evaluation of patients for laryngeal framework surgery; clinical applications of high-speed digital imaging of vocal fold vibration; vocal fold closure, perceived breathiness and acoustic characteristics in normal adult speakers; perceptual evaluation of a glottal source model for voice quality control; some acoustical, perceptual and physiological aspects of vocal quality; insufficient vocal fold closure as studied by inverse filtering; acoustic analysis, synthesis and perception of breathy voice; the effect of vocal fold surgery on the speech cepstrum; acoustic and perceptual characterization of vocal nodules; videostroboscopic evaluation of glottal open quotient, related to some acoustic parameters; control of laryngeal vibration in register change.
Price: £50.00
Vocal Fold Physiology – Frontiers in Basic Science (Reference #P/VOC1WH)
Author: Ingo R Titze
This text presents multidimensional perspectives on voice from speech and voice scientists, physiologists, otolaryngologists and acousticians. Six aspects of the laryngeal mechanism have been explored, spanning the cellular structure of the vocal folds to higher level motor and sensory organization for vocalization. Dr Titze has succeeded in formulating chapters that present state-of-the-art information broadening the theroetical base of laryngeal science from which future studies will emerge.
Molecular and cellular structure of vocal fold tissue, Steven D. Gray, et al; muscle energetics, vocal efficiency and laryngeal biomechanics, Donald S. Cooper, et al; practical flow duct acoustics applied to the vocal tract, P.O.A.L. Davies, et al; evidence of chaos in vocal fold vibration, Ingo R. Titze, et al; co-ordination of the respiratory and laryngeal systems in breathing and vocalization, Pamela J. Davis, et al; higher level motor and sensory organization, Charles R. Larson, et al.
Price: £45.00
Voice Clinic Handbook (The) (Reference #P/VOI2WH)
Authors: Tom Harris, Sara Harris, John S Rubin & David M Howard
The first half of this book provides an outline of the structure and function of a voice clinic, a review of the structure and function of the vocal tract and an outline of the most common forms of voice disorder likely to be encountered in a clinic. It also provides brief descriptions of the various forms of therapy available for the treatment of non-cancerous voice disorder and suggests appropriate treatment modalities.|The second half of the book is based in science and contains an overview of the instrumentation available for the investigation and documentation of voicing.
Price: £50.00
Voice and its Disorders (The) 5th Edition (Reference #P/VOI1WH)
Authors: Margaret C L Greene & Lesley Mathieson
An international standard text in the field, this edition has undergone a major rewriting by the two authors. New material has been added to cover the latest developments in the field, including the perceptual and instrumental assessment of dysphonia.
Price: £29.50
Wanting to Talk – Counselling Case Studies in Communication (Reference #P/WAN1WH)
Author: Diana Syder
Written by speech and language therapists, psychologists, counsellors and psychotherapists, this book demonstrates the process of counselling and the various counselling approaches that may be used with people who have communication disorders. It presents nine detailed counselling case histories, following each client through a complete block of counselling and demonstrating both what happens within a personal counselling session as well as what happens across a sequence of sessions. In this way the book conveys a sense of the dynamics and process of change. The cases represent a number of different counselling approaches: psychodynamic counselling and psychotherapy, personal construct therapy, client-centred counselling, hypnosis and others, across a range of disorders and client groups. Contributors evaluate the efficacy of their therapy with these clients and attention is paid to methods of recording and describing such interventions. An introductory chapter considers key issues in the provision of counselling for people with communication disorders and the role of supervision is discussed later in the book.
Price: £19.50