Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD) – A Professional Training Day Based Upon Current Research

Speaker: Jenny Lyon

Cost UK Venues: £117.50 sterling (£100 plus VAT; approx US$200)

Cost – Dublin: IR£110 (approx. £85 sterling or US$140)

Limited concessions available for full-time students and group bookings.

For secure online booking and application form: click here

Dates: Venues:
25 February 2000 University of Glasgow, Glasgow
03 March 2000 University of Manchester, Manchester
26 March 2000 International School, Geneva, Switzerland
06 April 2000 Birmingham
18 May 2000 University College Dublin, Ireland
20 June 2000 York
04 July 2000 Cambridge

Further Details

This training day focuses on the following topics:

The Nature of AD/HD: Three Current Views

How to Identify AD/HD in the Classroom

Strategies for Managing AD/HD

All delegates attending the course will receive a comprehensive information pack including parent and teacher check-lists and questionnaires, up-to-date criteria for identifying AD/HD and related disorders, lecture summary notes, key papers on AD/HD and a choice of course text book from our current title list: ‘Taking Charge of AD/HD’ – Dr Russell Barkley, ‘Hyperactivity – Why Won’t My Child Pay Attention?’ by Dr Sam Goldstein and Dr Michael Goldstein, ‘Understanding Attention Deficit Disorder’ by Dr Chris Green, ‘The Hyperactive Child’ by Prof. Eric Taylor, ‘AD/HD – A Practical Guide for Teachers’ by Paul Cooper and Katherine Ideus, ‘Papers and Materials Arising from the First European Conference for Health and Education Professionals on AD/HD, Oxford 1997’ and ‘Papers and Materials from the Second European Conference for Health and Education Professionals on AD/HD, Cambridge 1998’.

An informal buffet lunch will be available, and a choice of refreshments will be offered throughout the day.

Conference Programme

0900-1000 Delegate Registration and Refreshments

1000-1130 What is AD/HD?

1130-1200 Coffee and Refreshments

1200-1300 Identification of AD/HD

1300-1400 Lunch

1400-1530 Management of AD/HD

1530-1545 Tea and Refreshments

1545-1615 Questions and Discussion

For further details contact:

Linda Whelan (Conference Co-ordinator)

IPS (International Psychology Services)

17 High Street
West Sussex
England BN6 9TT

Tel. 01273 832181 Fax 01273 833250

or from overseas: tel. (44) 1273 832181 fax (44) 1273 833250
